S A Huggett, The Tutte polynomial and knot theory, in Handbook of the Tutte Polynomial and Related Topics, edited by J Ellis-Monahan and I Moffatt, 352-367, CRC Press, 2022.
S A Huggett and I Moffatt, Types of embedded graphs and their Tutte polynomials, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, volume 169, issue 2, 255-297, 2020. doi:10.1017/S0305004119000161
S A Huggett and I Tawfik, Embedded graphs whose links have the largest possible number of components, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, volume 8, issue 2, 319-335, 2015. 291 kb pdf
S A Huggett and I Moffatt, Bipartite partial duals and circuits in medial graphs, Combinatorica, volume 33, issue 2, 231-252, 2013. 1 mb pdf
S A Huggett, I Moffatt, and N Virdee, On the Seifert graphs of a link diagram and its parallels, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, volume 153, 123-145, 2012. 944 kb pdf
N Bloye and S A Huggett, Newton, the Geometer, Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, number 82, 19-27, December 2011. 492 kb pdf
S A Huggett and I Moffatt, Expansions for the Bollobás-Riordan polynomial of separable ribbon graphs, Annals of Combinatorics, volume 15, number 4, 675-706, 2011. 332 kb pdf
M G Eastwood and S A Huggett, Euler characteristics and chromatic polynomials, European Journal of Combinatorics, volume 28, 1553-1560, 2007. 101 kb pdf
G M Laudone, G P Matthews, P A C Gane, A G Matthews, C J Ridgway, J Schoelkopf, and S A Huggett, Estimation of structural element sizes in sand and compacted blocks of ground calcium carbonate using a void network model, Transport in Porous Media, volume 66, 403-419, 2007.
S A Huggett, On tangles and matroids, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, volume 14, number 7, 919-929, 2005. 188 kb pdf
S A Huggett and C Opie, A fresh approach to automatic navigation of AVHRR images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, volume 23, number 18, 3783-3794, 2002.
S A Huggett and F Muller, Sequential composition of twistor diagrams, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A., 455, 1599-1614, 1999. 327 kb pdf
S A Huggett and S A Merkulov, Twistor transform of vector bundles, Mathematica Scandinavica, 85, 219-244, 1999. 271 kb pdf
R E Horan and S A Huggett, Cohomology of elementary states in twistor conformal field theory, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 14, 107-121, 1996. 176 kb pdf
S A Huggett, Recent work in twistor field theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity 9, 127-135, 1992.
S A Huggett and M A Singer, Relative cohomology and projective twistor diagrams, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 324, 41-57, 1991.
S A Huggett, Cohomology and twistor diagrams, in Twistors in Mathematics and Physics, edited by T N Bailey and R J Baston, 367-382, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
S A Huggett and M A Singer, Two philosophies for twistor diagrams, in Further Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L Mason, 311-320, Longman, London 1990.
S A Huggett and R Penrose, Three channels for the box diagram, in Further Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L Mason, 275-280, Longman, London 1990, also published in volume 3 of Roger Penrose's Collected Works, Oxford University Press 2011.
S A Huggett, A Homological calculation of relevance to Moller scattering, in Further Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L Mason, 270-272, Longman, London 1990.
S A Huggett and M A Singer, Cohomological contours and cobord maps, Twistor Newsletter 30, 29-32, Oxford 1990.
S A Huggett and M A Singer, Cohomological residues, Twistor Newsletter 28, 1-9, Oxford 1989.
S A Huggett and M A Singer, Cohomology and projective twistor diagrams, Twistor Newsletter 25, 33-40, Oxford 1987.
S A Huggett, The development of ideas in twistor theory, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 24, 391-400, 1985.
A P Hodges and S A Huggett, Twistor diagrams, In Surveys in High Energy Physics 1, 333-353, 1980.
M L Ginsberg and S A Huggett, Sheaf cohomology and contour integrals, in Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L P Hughston and R S Ward, Pitman, London 1979.
S A Huggett, Integrals for strand networks, in Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L P Hughston and R S Ward, Pitman, London 1979.
S A Huggett, Blowing up the box, in Advances in Twistor Theory, edited by L P Hughston and R S Ward, published by Pitman, London 1979.